It has been so much fun working with everyone who has attended these clinics.

We have worked on basics such as getting horses in front of your leg and feeling confidently forwards. Just by using some poles on the circle points to remind horses and riders to ride forwards you can achieve so much. It can help improve straightness, contact and outline as well as balance and confidence.

We have worked on improving collection and extension in all paces,  shoulder in, half pass, pirouettes and flying changes. Really the sky is the limit!

The exercises incorporate poles and cones as visual cues. We are looking to use them in gymnastic exercises to supple and engage the horses  but they also act as an effective boundary to improve accurate riding and control.  It makes such a difference to have a focal point and structure for a movement or exercise.

The exercise in the photo is really brilliant at making the rider aware of how the horse is moving through the turn and also helps the horse understand how to move and bend and balance itself through a turn. As a result the confidence and suppleness in both horse and rider is greatly improved.

There are monthly clinics at Weir End equestrian and also clinics at other venues such as Kings Equestrian.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like to find out more.

