Outside the box dressage training
One of the most important moves in any dressage test is riding the centre line. The turn onto, the way of going on the centre line, the halt ( if there is one ) and the turn off the centre line all contribute not just to your first and final marks but also the judges first and last impression of you and your horse in your test. Easy marks…or so you would think!
I have some great exercises to help you ride a better centre line and gain valuable marks as well as increasing your horses suppleness and your understanding of how to move your horse within the arena space. Below is one of my favourites, also very helpful for improving 10 m circles.
Try using 2 or 3 pairs of poles approx .5 metre either side of the centre line or wider to make the exercise easier. You can put them at D, X and G
In walk at first practice riding turns onto the centre line, going from the track to between the poles. You can also use the poles to ride 10m circles around changing the rein as you feel you want to. You can progress to doing the exercise in trot using transitions to help maintain balance.
Making transitions between the poles will also help you to develop that all important square halt!
This exercise can easily be developed for more advanced horses and riders.
If you would like to find out more please contact me on 07968696723 or melanie@ruxtonhorses.com I am available for individual sessions or clinics.
Thinking outside the box to improve your performance inside the arena!